基数排序-单链表实现 [数据结构与算法分析(c 语言描述)]


基数排序本身是一个:分配-收集 过程

  1. 将一组需要排序的数,用链表存储 记为 L
  2. 用一组链表的来存放分配的节点 N[0-9]
  3. 遍历 L 每个节点分配到对应的 N[0-9]
  4. 将 N[0-9] 重新收集到 L
  5. 反复重复 3-4 直到最高位结束, 排序结束 ,
  6. L 就变成了有序


待排序数 64 8 216 512 27 729 0 1 343 125 第一次分配 N0 0 N1 1 N2 512 N3 343 N4 64 N5 125 N6 216 N7 27 N8 8 N9 729 收集 0->1->512->343->64->125->216->27->8->729 第二次分配 N0 0->1->8 N1 512->216 N2 125->27->729 N3
N4 343 N5 N6 64 N7 N8 N9 收集 0->1->8->512->516->125->27->729->343->64 …. 类推


 * 基数排序-单链表实现

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

#define Error(Str) FatalError(Str)
#define FatalError(Str) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",Str),exit(1)

#define N 10 //数个数
#define RADIX 10 //基数
#define POS_LEN 3 //位长

typedef struct Node
    int data;
    struct Node *next;
} *pNode;
typedef pNode LNode;

pNode create();
int get_num_pos(int num, int pos, int radix);
void radix_sort(pNode collect, int radix, int pos_len);
void append_node(pNode L, int num);
void insert(pNode P, int num);
void delete_list(pNode L);
void test();
void print(pNode L);

int main(void)
    return 0;

void radix_sort(pNode collect, int radix, int pos_len)
    // collect assign
    LNode assign[radix - 1], P, tmp, p;
    int i, num;
    for (i = 0; i < radix; i++) {
        assign[i] = create();
    for (i = 1; i <= pos_len; i++) {
        P = collect;
        while (NULL != P->next) {
            p = P->next;
            P->next = p->next;
            p->next = NULL;
            int num = get_num_pos(p->data, i, radix);
            tmp = assign[num];
            while (NULL != tmp->next) {
                tmp = tmp->next;
            tmp->next = p;
        printf("第%d次分配\n", i);
        for (int j = 0; j < radix; j++) {
            printf("N-%d\t", j);

        P = collect;
        for (int j = 0; j < radix; j++) {
            LNode phead;
            phead = assign[j];
            while (NULL != phead->next) {
                p = phead->next;
                phead->next = p->next;
                p->next = NULL;
                P->next = p;
                P = P->next;
        printf("第%d次收集\n", i);
        // 置空
        // for (int j = 0; j < radix; j++) {
        //  delete_list(assign[j]);
        // }
    // free space
    for (i = 0; i < radix; i++) {

int get_num_pos(int num, int pos, int radix)
    int temp = 1, i;
    for (i = 0; i < pos - 1; i++)
        temp *= radix;
    return (num / temp) % radix;
void insert(pNode P, int num)
    pNode temp;
    temp = (pNode)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
    if (NULL == temp)
        FatalError("out of space");
    temp->data = num;
    temp->next = NULL;
    P->next = temp;

void append_node(pNode L, int num)
    pNode temp, P;
    P = L;
    temp = (pNode)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
    if (NULL == temp)
        FatalError("out of space");
    temp->next = NULL;

    while (NULL != P->next) {
        P = P->next;
    P->next = temp;

pNode create()
    pNode L;
    L = (pNode)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
    if (NULL == L)
        FatalError("out of space");
    L->next = NULL;
    return L;

void delete_list(pNode L)
    pNode P, temp;
    P = L->next;
    L->next = NULL;
    while (NULL != P) {
        temp = P->next;
        P = temp;

void print(pNode L)
    pNode P;
    P = L->next;
    while (NULL != P)
        printf("%d\t", P->data);
        P = P->next;

void test()
    pNode source, tmp, P;
    int arr[N] = {64, 8, 216, 512, 27, 729, 0, 1, 343, 125};
    int i;
    int max = 1;
    for (i = 0; i <= POS_LEN - 1; i++)
        max *= RADIX;
    source = create();
    P = source;
    for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        insert(P, arr[i]);
        P = P->next;
    radix_sort(source, RADIX, POS_LEN);

